I know a lot of people my age have been working relentlessly hard to get even one rung up the ladder. I know a lot of people my age have also been under immense scrutiny for not being where others expect us to be for our age. And that fucking sucks.
"Go to college." We did that.
"Work hard to get good grades!" We did that, too.
"Well why aren't you doing the thing you went to school for?" Please, Susan. Stick to your dry meatloaf recipe and leave me alone.
I don't know what else we are expected to do. I went to college, worked shitty summer jobs to get money, and even went back to get my M.F.A. What do I have to show? Unemployed and cannot even get a call back from the local movie theater for a minimum wage job. You know why? I'm now overqualified. I did what I was told and now I can't even get a shit paying job. What a great time I'm having being belittled by my parents that don't understand why I'm stuck here with nothing to show.
I have friends that went for more "ambitious" and/or "useful" degrees and guess where they are right now. The same boat as me. Living at home, taking whatever work that comes along. Constantly pushing for the jobs we were told would be there once we obtained a degree. Not that I'm expecting a job, because that would play into the idea that everyone my age feels entitled to everything. I'm only relaying what was told to me as a young 18-year-old. I am constantly trying to explain to my parents what is going on right now:
The jobs expected to open up once I graduated are no longer opening up because people are working until they are 80 instead of retiring at 60 or 65 because things are so god damn expensive. It. Fucking. Sucks.
My main point for this post is to let people know that you're doing great. It may not seem like things are going your way or you may feel like giving up, believe me, everyone feels that way. There is so much holding us back and so much making the future seem muddled. We will get there. And you know what? It's okay to take a break once in awhile to let your head get a better grip on what is going on.
You've worked hard to get here. Soak it in. If no one else has said it to you up to this point: I'm so proud of you. It doesn't matter where you are in life according to others. You know where you want to be, you know what you want out of life and you're working towards it one way or another. Someone might get to their goal before you, and it's okay. You can be a little envious, but don't let it distract you from your goal. Keep chugging away. Both at your goal and celebratory drinks (if you're into that.)
All I'm saying is that one day, I hope you're sitting in your dream house with whatever your dream is...be it a family, a garage full of exotic cars, your own beach, I don't know. Whatever you want. I hope you have it one day. Whether it be next week or years from now. Don't give up on yourself.