Tuesday, October 17, 2017

I Missed Motivation Monday and That Beautiful Alliteration

Well, fuck

My apologies for the profanity right above, in the past posts, and in future posts. I curse a lot. I read somewhere once that it's a sign of intelligence. Did I research it further to confirm it? Nope. We can stick to it being true.

Anyway, I wanted to talk a little bit about the novel I'm currently working on. I finished graduate school in March of this year - M.F.A. in writing, 3.88 GPA. Go, me! Shame on me for slacking during a few classes, but I was working full-time and didn't give a shit a few times. Can you blame me? (Probably)

In order to finish the program, I had to write a thesis. Normal thing for graduate students as most of you probably know. There were only two guidelines besides length (80-100 pgs):

-Poetry had to be one poem per page, single-spaced
-Fiction and Non-Fiction had double-spaced

I looked up the guidelines a semester early, knowing I should get a head start. Thank fuck I did, otherwise, I would have been screwed in every sense of the word. Or lack thereof I should say since I had to stop seeing some hook-ups to get shit done. Let's say it sucked. No...it was stressful. Yes, no double entendre with stressful. 

There had been this idea in my head for some time, but I never actually sat down to write it. Online dating and the hell that is truly is. From the absolutely insane guys that scarf down giant burritos to impress me to the tame men that impersonate Jesus in their free time. Don't forget the weird sex encounters. I may have accidentally tried butt stuff once. 

I just wanted to throw out some of my favorite parts I've written so far so some people that aren't getting scenes sent to them random hours of the day can see what I've been up to recently. I really hope to get this published once I'm finished and it definitely helps to have people that would be interested going forward too. 

"I eventually found myself with his dick in my mouth. I really can't explain how it happened. We were kissing and next thing I know I was kissing his cock with my entire mouth. Weird how that happens, huh? Or does it only happen to me?"

"His tongue lazily licked around like he was licking an envelope closed. No, wait, that might have actually been nice. It was more like he had peanut butter stuck in his mouth and my vagina just happened to be in front of him during this unfortunate time."

"I offered him my fries, and he took that as an opportunity to unzip his pants. Now, please laugh with me as I explain the irony of offering him my French fries and him whipping out his own French fry of a penis in return."

"Did I need to take a shit on this guy to get him to leave or what? I guess I could have asked him to leave, but that's rude. Ruder than taking a shit on him? Debatable." 

Those are a few very short excerpts from my novel in progress and there's so much more to go! Here's to finishing it and getting it published! 

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