Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Nobody Likes You When You're 23

Wait, 24 definitely sucks more

I know I JUST posted the other day, but I was in bed staring at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling (they weren't shining for me. You lied Owl City,) and I just started feeling this overwhelming sense of dread. Nothing too big, no existential crisis, just..."oh, fuck."

Me realizing I'm not adulting correctly and I'm expected to actually be adulting at this very minute:

Everyone else in the back cheering cause I make a really good example for everyone else my age that is sort of adulting cause at least they aren't me!

Seriously, think for a minute. 22, you're either just getting out of college, still in college, or have a steady job that is working great for you. 23, people are still figuring things out, kind of floating around and seeing how things work. Actual adults still think it's okay for you to be confused about bills and how life really works. Then 24 hits and suddenly you have to be grown-up. *Shivers*

My mom is suddenly dropping more and more hints about grandchildren and asking me when I'm going to settle down with someone.

"I just thought that, since you're getting older, you'd have been with this one forever." She casually said to me after I ended things with the one guy I had been seeing.

"I'm 24!" I laughed back at her. The longer I studied her face, the more I saw she was serious. What the actual shit?

How? Why? I'm still considering myself a kid when it comes to making decisions! This isn'!  I want to go back to 21 when I was still in college and allowed to make stupid decisions like getting drunk mid-day when my ex broke up with me on Valentine's day and eating half a pizza only to throw up in the sink and then eat more pizza and watch Disney movies! I want to live across the hall from my best friend and do stupid college papers and have that be my biggest complaint. Shit, now I'm over here worrying how I'm going to pay my car bill and actually be able to move out of my parent's house before I'm 30.

Send help.

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