It's late.
I've spent my Friday night alone in bed watching a rom-com. I'm not complaining, it was exactly what I wanted. Well, not exactly, but that's Stardew Valley's fault for having connection issues. This was my second choice after scrolling through Netflix.
LOVE. Who the hell decided that needed to be packaged and sold? What a dumb idea. I understand everyone's experiences with love are different but do people really think rom-com love stories are real life? YES, we do. I'm a full-blown idiot for believing it, but I can't help even an ounce of it. Holly and Liam are from different backgrounds and social statuses - they were never supposed to meet but by pure chance, the two pick the same New York City exclusive hotel party and grab a free drink at the same time. Their love must overcome the staunchy high-life family of Holly versus the laidback willy nilly life of Liam while the two work on advancing their both well-respected careers. Will love persevere?! Of course it will, but I am here for the ride!
I do hate how it hits real life though. These romance tropes alter people. We are sold these ideas that one person can fix another solely by being "different". HOLY HELL, that is NOT true. If the person you're dating has done something terrible to the last 5 people, it will most likely happen again and it won't be magically better just because your smile is genuine and you "care more". If someone says no, it's NO, not "no but maybe if I keep trying it will be yes". How about we also stop acting like bringing someone to a wedding you just met to make an ex jealous is ever a good idea. If something is meant to be, it will happen. Forcing shit doesn't work. Shout out to the one guy I tried to force into a relationship after 3 months because I didn't want to wait and see if things were real - LOL my bad, bro.
It really makes me think about how things are right now. I'm not saying my relationship is perfect nor should people follow what I'm about to say as law. It's just what I think when this stuff comes to mind. Again, it's late.
Things that rom-coms get wrong and right:
- Romance is whatever you want it to be. It's not one defined thing, it's what makes each individual (I forgot how to spell this word for a second) in the relationship happy. What one person might think is romantic might not be the same for another. Your friend might think grand gestures with big circus-like shows is the definition of romance, but another friend might find a partner making a favorite dish after a long day the most romantic gesture in the history of humankind. Don't get hung up on the romance of movies. The real world costs money and breaking into an ice rink to skate around is a felony. I think...I'm not a cop.
- The edge of sleep, late-night talks in a cozy bed with your partner are PRIME. Goofy, sincere, deep - it doesn't have set parameters, yet it's always perfect. When you hit that good talk, time doesn't matter. You have work the next day? I don't care, this moment has to last as long as possible. We can be sleepy later.
- Relationships are HARD. They have ups and downs, there is nothing you can do about that because life is going to hit you and that will push into your relationship. If it's worth it, you'll know. I don't know how, but you will.
- This is the most important - NEVER doubt yourself because some asshat came into your life with a bad attitude. Some people aren't ready for a relationship. Some people aren't ready to appreciate you. You can try to make it better, sure. But don't keep trying when it's not getting better. Set a limit. Once that is reached, leave. Harder than it sounds, I know. You are worth everything. Your friends will be there. Your family. Someone will be there to help.
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